A True Story Written By The Blogger (me) (Akshat Solanki )

Hello friends , I have written a story by my own. please tell me in comments how was the story. it is story of a boy and based on true events but I kept it secret that who was that boy for some reasons. can you guess that who was the boy ? this story will teach you to think positive and live happy.

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Writer - Akshat Solanki
Published Date - 12/05/21
Story title - Your Life Is Good If You Thinks Positive

                    Your Life Is Good If You Thinks Positive

Once upon a time , there was a boy. he was so negative and sad of his life because of his negative thoughts. Mainly , he was disturbed from his school. he was in class 4 in the year 2019 in age of 10 years. he takes good and proper care of his things but still someone stoles his pens , pencils etc and when he complains to his teachers that someone has stolen his pen/pencil etc , teachers scolds him to take care of his things properly. The school bus picks him late and drops at home late. he manages all the things properly but because of his negative thoughts he feels upset and depressed. When he got his Annual Examination result in the month of March (I forgot the exact date) , he was so happy as he got first rank in the examinations and forgot all negative thoughts and was very happy. 2-3 days later it was got completely lockdown in the year 2020 all over the world due to a communicable disease. he got stuck in his house for 1-2 years. for school , there was online classes on Watsapp only. the schedule was teachers will send videos and photos of work on the Watsapp Group and students have to write the work in their notebooks and watch videos. The boy got very irritated from the online classes. 2-3 months later, he understood all the things that his life was going good but just because of his negativity he feels depressed. he taught to himself to think positively , life is good if we thinks positively , if we works hard and do good works in our present , our future can be better. many problems comes in life but we should not sat upset and think of a solution. we should be positive and happy in our life

Thanks for Reading this Story and please tell me in the comments how was the story.



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